
Inside the Metaverse: What Is It, Why It’s Trending and How World Is Responding to It

If you’ve been following the virtual world of technology, you’ll know that Metaverse is the current buzzword. Even if you have no interest in technology, you would realize this. With the pandemic bringing everything online, Metaverse has gained pace, resulting in its acceptance much faster than anyone could have predicted. It grew much more prevalent after Facebook changed its name to Meta last year, signaling its intention to invest in Metaverse. The fact is, though, that Metaverse is ramping up so quickly that even individual who has no interest in the virtual world will have to deal with it soon, just as they had to deal with video conferencing and other technologies during the pandemic.


Metaverse: What Is It?

The metaverse is a fully completed digital world that exists in addition to the analog one in which we currently live. Mark Zuckerberg got the inspiration for Facebook’s rebranding as ‘Meta’ from the Greek word meta, which means ‘beyond.’ The epidemic prompted a dramatic shift toward virtual experiences, surroundings, and assets. These virtual worlds grew in popularity as everything migrated online. All of this prepares the path for what the internet will become in the future. Metaverse tendencies exist in video games, allowing users to create their own reality. Cryptocurrencies are also a component of the metaverse experience. Virtual and augmented reality exists in the same metaverse. So if you’ve ever encountered any of them, you’ve had some contact with the metaverse.

The metaverse is essentially a 3D virtual representation of the real world. If you’ve ever played simulation games like SIMS, you’ll probably understand this better. The establishment of a virtual environment with virtual economies, sometimes 3D reproductions of the real world, with different people establishing their avatars and participating in this virtual world, communicating with each other’s avatars, is known as the metaverse. Individuals in the Metaverse utilize their avatars to mimic what they would do in real life while meeting new people. With the pandemic forcing everyone to stay at home, the development and adoption of Metaverse have accelerated.

The History of the Metaverse and Why It Is Popular
Today, we define the metaverse as a fully immersive internet in which we will be able to access augmented and virtual reality and interact with a wide range of environments via persistent avatars and cutting-edge digital technology. The problem is that the metaverse is not new! Let’s look at some of the key historical events that have led us to where we are today, as we develop cutting-edge Web 3.0 technology. It all started in 1838 when scientist Sir Charles Wheatstone proposed the concept of “binocular vision,” in which two images — one for each eye — are combined to create a single 3D image. This idea inspired the creation of stereoscopes, a technology that uses the illusion of depth to create an image. This is the same idea that is used in modern VR headsets. Now, fast forward to 1935, when American science fiction writer Stanley Weinbaum published Pygmalion’s Spectacles, in which the main character explores a fictional world through goggles that provide sight, sound, taste, smell, and touch.

The First VR Machines

Morton Heilig created the first VR machine, the Sensorama Machine, in 1956. This machine immersed the viewer in the experience of riding a motorcycle in Brooklyn by combining 3D video with audio, scents, and a vibrating chair. In 1960, Heilig also received a patent for the first head-mounted display, which combined stereoscopic 3D images with stereo sound. MIT developed the Aspen Movie Map in the 1970s, which allowed users to take a computer-generated tour of Aspen, Colorado. This was the first time we were able to use VR to transport users to another location.

Neil Stevenson coined the term “metaverse” in his 1982 novel Snow Crash. Stevenson’s metaverse was a virtual world in which characters could escape from bleak totalitarian reality. Sega introduced VR arcade machines like the SEGA VR-1 motion simulator in the early 1990s, which users enjoyed in many arcades. Sports vision aired the first live NFL game with a yellow yard marker in 1998, and the concept of superimposing graphics over real-world views quickly spread to other sports broadcasting. The prototype for the Oculus Rift VR headset was created in 2010 by Palmer Luckey, an 18-year-old entrepreneur, and inventor. The revolutionary headset reignited interest in VR with its 90-degree field of vision and use of computer processing power.

In 2011, Ernest Cline published Ready Player One, which gave us another glimpse inside a completely immersive world into which we could escape reality. The book was an instant success, and director Steven Spielberg adapted it into a film in 2018. In 2014, Facebook paid $2 billion for Oculus VR. Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg stated at the time that Facebook and Oculus would collaborate to expand the Oculus platform and develop partnerships to support more games.

In 2014, Sony and Samsung both announced the development of their own VR headsets, and Google released its first Cardboard device and Google Glass AR glasses. Google Cardboard is a low-cost cardboard virtual reality viewer for smartphones. Microsoft’s HoloLens headsets were released in 2016, for the first time introducing mixed reality (AR and VR). We can create a holographic image in front of us with HoloLens, then place it in the real world and manipulate it with augmented reality. In 2016, people all over the world were running around their neighborhoods trying to catch Pokémon using the augmented reality game Pokémon GO.

In 2017, Swedish furniture giant IKEA entered the metaverse with their innovative Place app, which allows you to select a piece of furniture and see how it would look in your home or office. Apple added Lidar (Light Detection and Ranging) to iPhones and iPads in 2020, allowing for better depth scanning for better photos and AR, as well as paving the way for future mixed-reality headsets. In 2021, Facebook changed its name to Meta to reflect its focus on shaping the future of the metaverse. Two other companies introduced smart glasses (Ray-Ban Stories) or highly portable virtual reality headsets that resemble sunglasses (HTC’s Vive Flow).

More Than Virtual Reality
However, obstacles must be overcome before the metaverse can be widely adopted globally. One major problem is the “virtual” aspect of this universe. While VR is a vital component of the metaverse mix, access to the metaverse is not (and should not be) limited to wearing a VR headset. In a sense, anyone with a computer or smartphone can access a metaverse experience, such as Second Life’s digital environment. Given VR’s ongoing struggle to acquire consumer acceptance, broad accessibility is critical to making the metaverse work.

In a short amount of time, the VR market has seen tremendous innovations. People interested in home VR had to select between expensive computer-based systems that attached the user or low-cost but severely limited smartphone-based headsets a few years ago. Now, we’ve witnessed the introduction of low-cost, high-quality, portable wireless headsets, such as Meta’s Quest line, which has swiftly become the market leader in home VR. The graphics are stunning, the content library is larger than ever, and the device is less expensive than most video game consoles. So, why aren’t more people utilizing virtual reality?

On the one hand, global VR headset sales have been increasing, with 2021 being a banner year for headset producers, with their strongest sales since the flurry of big-brand VR gadget introductions in 2016. However, they only sold about 11 million gadgets worldwide. Getting people to utilize their gadgets can be difficult, as only 28% of people who own VR headsets use them on a daily basis. As various tech skeptics have pointed out, the long-promised VR popular revolution has mostly failed to materialize.

From Web 1, Web 2, and Web 3 to the Metaverse
While there is no clear agreement on the definitions of Web3 and the distinction of the Metaverse, there is a lot of debate. Many crypto enthusiasts believe that crypto is the next stage of the internet, while others believe that after the social interaction-based Web2, we will see the transition into the immersive Internet known as the “Metaverse.” It’s unclear where to draw the line and where to differentiate, but the debate over whether Web3 is crypto and blockchain or immersive internet with virtual worlds will continue.

Web 1.0

Web 1.0 refers to the stage of the World Wide Web’s evolution. There were few content creators on Web 1.0, with the vast majority of users being content consumers. Personal web pages were common, with static pages hosted on ISP-run web servers or free web hosting services. Advertisements on websites while surfing the internet are prohibited in Web 1.0. In addition, in Web 1.0, Ofoto is a digital photography website where users can store, share, view, and print digital photos. Web 1.0 refers to a content delivery network (CDN) that enables websites to display data. It is suitable and used as a personal website. The number of pages viewed determines the amount charged to the user. It contains directories that assist users in locating specific information. Web 1.0 existed roughly between 1991 and 2004.

The Four Design Essentials of a Web 1.0 Site are as follows:
  • Pages that are static.
  • The server’s file system is used to serve content.
  • Server Side Includes Common Gateway Interface pages (CGI).
  • Frames and tables are used to align and position elements on a page.

Web 2.0

Following Tim O’Reilly and Dale Dougherty’s First Web 2.0 conference in 1999, Darcy DiNucci coined the term “Web 2.0.” (later known as the Web 2.0 summit). Web 2.0 websites prioritize user-generated content, usability, and interoperability for end users. Web 2.0 is also recognized as the participatory social web. It does not refer to a change in technical specifications, but rather to a change in the design and use of Web pages. The transition is advantageous, but this does not appear to be the case when the changes are implemented. Web 2.0 allows for interaction and collaboration in a social media dialogue as the creator of user-generated content in a virtual community. Web 2.0 is a more sophisticated version of Web 1.0. Web 2.0 developments make use of web browser technologies such as AJAX and JavaScript frameworks. AJAX and JavaScript frameworks have recently gained popularity as a means of creating web 2.0 sites.

Web 2.0 Has Five Major Characteristics:
  • Users can retrieve and classify information collectively when it is sorted freely.
  • Content that changes in response to user input.
  • Using evaluation and online commenting, information flows between the site owner and site users.
  • APIs were created to allow self-use, such as by a software application.
  • Web access raises concerns that range from the traditional Internet user base to a broader range of users.

Web 3.0

It refers to the evolution of web usage and interaction, which includes transforming the Web into a database with the integration of DLT (Distributed Ledger Technology blockchain, for example), and that data can help to create Smart Contracts based on the individual’s needs. After a long period of focusing on the front-end, it allows for the advancement of the web’s back-end (Web 2.0 has mainly been about AJAX, tagging, and other front-end user-experience innovation). Web 3.0 refers to several evolutions of web usage and interaction between different paths. In this case, data is not owned but rather shared, with services displaying different views for the same web/data. The Semantic Web (3.0) promises to establish “the world’s information” in a more reasonable way than Google’s current engine schema can. This is especially true when comparing machine conception to human comprehension. The Semantic Web requires the use of a declarative ontological language, such as OWL, to create domain-specific ontologies that machines can use to reason about information and draw new conclusions, rather than simply matching keywords. The most important applications of web3 are not limited to the metaverse. Many important use cases of web3 are emerging, such as web3 social media. The future of web3 would be more like traditional social apps, with a focus on simplicity. In the future, Web3 social apps may attract the attention of crypto enthusiasts as well as the younger generation of internet users.

What are the Distinguishing Features of Web3.0?

Web3 is self-governing, stateful, robust, and has native built-in payments. It possesses the following characteristics:


Because Web3 data is stored in blockchain, no single system has complete access to it. It is spread across several platforms. This facilitates decentralized access while increasing the likelihood of failure.


Users in Web3 can access the Internet without requiring special permissions. Users will not be required to provide personal information in order to access certain services. There will be no need to violate anyone’s privacy or share any other information.


Web 3.0 is more secure than Web 2.0 because decentralization makes it more difficult for hackers to target specific databases.


Metaverse: Entering Many Spheres of Life

The metaverse, on the other hand, will be persistent, live, and synchronous. It will be a real-time, living, consistent experience for all of its users. Anyone from anywhere on the planet can join the open metaverse and participate in its activities, whether individually or socially. The metaverse will also have a functioning economy, allowing users to make a living through its digital labor processes. It may have more commercial activity than the current web, as well as a wider reach and greater economic potential. The metaverse will also alter how modern resources are monetized and allocated. Work from home laborers, for example, will engage in virtual labor and earn a high-value wage from its borderless economy.

Virtual Worlds, Games, and Communities

Virtual worlds, according to experts, will be the next evolutionary step in social media platforms. As a result, tech behemoths like Meta and Microsoft are making inroads into virtual world-building as a viable option rather than a pipe dream. As more people seek social comfort in game-like environments, there has been a surge in interest in virtual worlds during and after the pandemic. Minecraft, Roblox, and Fortnite have some of the most aesthetically pleasing virtual worlds, and more startups are investing in next-generation non-game-related complex digital societies.

Second Life, for example, has had a working virtual world since 2003. It also has a dedicated and loyal resident community. In its heyday, Second Life had millions of users and a lot of media attention. Adidas spent over a million dollars in Second Life in 2006 to establish an A3 Micro ride trainer virtual trainer shop. Second Life users could buy these trainers to give their avatars a little extra spring in their step.

However, the novelty of Second Life faded as its expansion slowed. Most brands had entered Second Life to sell rather than create or engage. As a result, when Second Life users, for example, stopped wearing the A3 Micro ride trainer because it was causing the sim to lag, Adidas quickly packed up and left. Nonetheless, the leftover community has grown into a stable community of over 90,000 users. Furthermore, its Roblox-like framework is open-ended, which means that community content creation determines its development direction. As a result, virtual games and communities are an essential component of virtual world construction. Second Life is proof that the metaverse should be in the hands of the community if it is to grow in a sustainable manner.

Virtual and Augmented Reality

Virtual and augmented reality (VR and AR) technologies are being developed to provide 3D experiences in virtual worlds. Virtual reality technology makes use of software to transport users to a virtual world. It’s a metaverse component with simulation and modeling capabilities that allow for 3D interaction with the environment. Virtual reality creates a virtual environment through the use of gloves, sensors, and VR headsets. It incorporates fictional visual elements into the creation of digital worlds and, in the future, will provide users with physical simulations via VR technology and equipment. To demonstrate this point, video games that use VR provide their players with an immersive view of the action via headsets such as the HTC Vive or Oculus Rift.

In 2020, the use of VR headsets in gaming generated $22.9 billion in revenue. However, the VR market will surpass $209.2 billion due to increased demand for VR devices in virtual worlds, the military, sports, education, fashion, and medical sectors. Augmented reality, on the other hand, uses smart devices to augment real-world experiences. For example, it can project 3D images onto the screen of a digital device, making it appear as if the digital object is in the same space as its observer.

Microsoft and Google are developing 3D communication technology that turns users into life-size holograms. Google’s Project Starline, for example, allows users to engage in life-size 3D hologram face-to-face conversations. Columbia Shipmanagement Ltd, on the other hand, had its CEO Mark O. Neil appear in 3D at a conference in Manila. The company intends to use augmented reality technology in its remote worker training process.

Artificial Intelligence

Builder Bot is Meta’s virtual world builder that uses artificial intelligence technology. It will include, among other things, a universal speech translator based on natural language processing, or NLP. Furthermore, meta will integrate Builder Bot with its VR metaverse components, allowing it to power the metaverse through user-generated data processing and the creation of photorealistic digital environments.

AI can also generate user avatars that are physically similar to the user, making the metaverse experience more realistic. Furthermore, AI-generated non-player characters or digital humans could populate virtual worlds and provide services like language translation, personal assistants, and watchdog services. Other applications of AI in the metaverse include the creation of hyper-personalized experiences, smart contract support, and intelligent networking, which all contribute to people’s safety and inclusion.

3D Reconstruction

3D content will be required for virtual, mixed, and augmented reality tools. As a result, 3D content creation tools are metaverse components that enable extended reality. Unity Software and the Unreal Engine are two examples of 3D reconstruction platforms.

Internet of Everything (IoE)

Only device connectivity allows the Metaverse to function. The Internet of Everything (IoE) uses private or public networks to connect data, people, devices, and processes. I will provide data to the metaverse and facilitate relevant user interactions. In the Meta announcement video, for example, a user turns on a TV by gesticulating at it. The Internet of Everything (IoE) has the potential to reduce device reliance on virtual assistants and voice commands.

Blockchain Technology

The metaverse of the future could be made up of open, interconnected, and decentralized virtual worlds, each with its own native functioning economy. Additionally, blockchain technology will enable secure and private value transfer.

It will also support immutable data storage and payment rails, which will enable the free flow of value in a borderless space via digital currency. Through non-fungible token technology, distributed ledger technology will also provide the provenance of digital assets and identity. Digital avatars are currently the hottest selling NFT class, accounting for more than $16 billion in sales or 46% of the NFT market in 2021.


The 7 Layers of the Metaverse

Metaverse technologies have matured over the last two years as a result of investments from companies such as Meta Platforms, Microsoft, Epic Games, and others. According to Emergen Research, the Metaverse was valued at $47.69 billion in 2020 and is expected to reach $829 billion by 2028. Facebook, the US social media giant, is transforming itself into a global metaverse leader, a move that could have a significant impact on the industry in the coming days. It is critical to comprehend what the Metaverse is, how it operates, and the elements that comprise it.

The Metaverse, according to renowned author and entrepreneur Jon Radoff, who has written extensively on Web3 and related issues, consists of seven fundamental layers that reflect various stages of the metaverse economy and collectively provide a systematic method for outlining its architecture. While there are certainly other ways to discuss the Metaverse as a space of value generation, this approach is straightforward and applicable to a wide range of use cases. It suggests seven layers, which are as follows:

An Experience of Dematerialized Reality

Contrary to popular belief, the concept of the metaverse is more than just a 3D representation of the real world for our passive viewing. It will instead be a true representation of spatial dimensions and distances, with physical objects dematerialized thanks to photorealistic graphic elements. Because the metaverse dematerializes physical space, the limitations that physicality imposes may no longer exist within it. The metaverse’s VR has the potential to provide experiences that the real world cannot. This is a major reason why many well-known brands are investing in massive interactive live events or MILEs.

These events on platforms such as Roblox and Decentraland provide a glimpse of how events and activities in the metaverse might manifest interactivity. Have trouble getting a front-row seat to a concert? In the metaverse, all tickets will provide a front-row seat. The metaverse is all about encounters. The buzz it has generated and the investments it has attracted are all due to the lifelike experiences it is set to provide. With its immersive and real-time nature, a true metaverse can transform a wide range of human experiences, from games and social interactions to shopping, theater, and e-sports.

Discovery and Exploration of a Vast and Living World

This layer discusses the experiential discoveries that occur as a result of a constant “push and pull” of information. This information “push and pull” is what introduces users to new experiences. Whereas “pull” refers to an inbound system in which users actively seek information and experiences, “push” refers to processes that inform users about what adventures await them in the metaverse. In fact, the discovery layer is the most profitable for businesses. Here are some examples of inbound and outbound discoveries.


  • Community-generated content
  • Engines of discovery
  • Actual presence


  • Advertising on display
  • Social media and emails
  • Notifications

Community-generated content will be a major source of inbound traffic for discovering metaverse experiences. In fact, it is one of the most cost-effective ways for those interested in learning about the metaverse to do so. When people are enthusiastic about something, they spread the word about it. They discuss its concept, experiences, and all relevant events in which they participate. Because such content is easily shared, it can quickly become a marketing asset. Such community-driven content can also help spread knowledge about the metaverse’s concepts, supporting technologies, and experiences. Another effective facilitator of inbound discovery is real-time presence.

The only way to learn about metaverse experiences is to know what other people who are interested in the metaverse are doing right now. After all, the metaverse is all about interacting with others through shared experiences. You can see what your friends are playing when you log into Steam, Battle.net, Xbox, or PlayStation. These gaming platforms have used real-time presence deftly to increase in-game interactivity. Nongaming platforms, such as Clubhouse, have taken advantage of the power and flexibility of real-time presence by allowing users to choose which room they want to join based on the location of their friends. The real-time presence will be critical in the metaverse for improving interactive experiences for users, which will improve their understanding of this virtual universe.

The metaverse has the potential to digitize social structures and establish a decentralized identity ecosystem, shifting power away from a few monolithic entities and toward social groups, allowing for the frictionless exchange of information and experiences. Display advertising, notifications, emails, and social media are the most effective outbound discovery channels. Metaverse creators putting relevant information in front of the audience via outbound means can also result in the discovery of metaverse experiences.

An Economy Where Creators Can Thrive

This refers to the various design tools and applications that developers and content creators use to create digital resources, immersive experiences, and other assets. Over time, an increasing number of platforms have added drag-and-drop functionality to simplify the authoring process. It’s never been easier to become a creator, developer, or designer, and it’ll only get easier as Web3 becomes more ingrained in the culture and Web2 fades away. This can be seen on many Metaverse platforms, such as The Sandbox, which make creating digital assets extremely simple and code-free.

In reality, the rise of the creator economy has already begun. Consider YouTube: In the beginning, there were only a few big YouTubers with millions of views. They usually made content like sketch comedies, tutorials, or vlogs. Millions of others can now create videos about a wide range of topics, regardless of their audience size. TikTok provided an even larger population with the same opportunity. The consumer can easily become the creator in this new market.

Instead of sharing the same experience with millions of others, the Metaverse will allow people to find their niche. The experiences offered by the creator economy will be not only immersive, social, and real-time, but also highly personalized.

Creators will be able to monetize the metaverse by:

  • Marketing of commercial goods, NFTs, and IRL products.
  • Exhibiting and selling NFT collections.
  • Collaboration and promotion of brands.
  • Making their avatars wear virtual fashion apparel and accessories such as trainers or clothes to influence purchasing behavior.
  • Hosting get-togethers and parties for their followers in order to strengthen relationships and increase sales.

Spacial Computing That Blurs Boundaries Between the Real and Virtual Worlds

With virtual assistants and ride-hailing apps, spatial computing has already made our lives easier. Allowing shoppers to try on clothes in virtual changing rooms has made fashion more enjoyable and shopping more convenient. Spatial computing is now ready to allow you to work, shop, and socialize as avatars in a rich, three-dimensional digital world that mimics reality.

Spatial computing combines augmented reality, virtual reality, and mixed reality to bring the concept of the “metaverse” to life. The vision of a parallel, three-dimensional virtual universe that interacts with the real world and never shuts down can be realized with spatial computing. A game that uses spatial computing, for example, will allow you to play it against the backdrop of your immediate real-world surroundings. The characters in the game will be able to interact with the physical objects around you, such as sitting on a sofa in your living room. Spatial computing, in essence, allows you to interact with both the virtual and real worlds in real-time.

Spatial computing has evolved into an important class of technology that enables us to access and manipulate 3D spaces for better experiences. Specialized software and hardware are required for spatial computing to function properly. This section will only cover the software components required; the hardware will be covered in the “human interface” layer discussed later in the article. Several aspects of the software layer that powers the metaverse are listed below:

  • Geometry and animation are displayed using 3D engines (Unity and Unreal Engine).
  • Geospatial mapping and object recognition are used to map and interpret the physical and virtual worlds.
  • Recognition of voice and gesture.
  • The Internet of Things is being used to integrate data from devices.
  • Human biometrics is used to identify people.
  • Next-generation user interfaces that support multiple data streams and analysis.

A Decentralized Experience With Interoperable Components

The real metaverse is expected to be devoid of a single authority, unlike its fictional counterparts in Snow Crash and Ready Player One, which are both ruled by single entities. This makes decentralization, along with openness and distribution, one of the key features of the metaverse. Experimentation and growth skyrocket when alternatives are maximized and systems are interoperable and built within competitive markets. Furthermore, creators gain control over their own data and products.

Decentralization includes the blockchain, smart contracts, open-source platforms, and, eventually, the possibility of self-sovereign digital identity. Distributed computing and microservices are increasingly enabling a scalable ecosystem for developers to access online capabilities. Everything from commerce systems to specialized AI to a wide range of game systems is becoming available without the need to build or integrate back-end capabilities.

Human Interfaces Which Allow for Direct Interaction

The hardware or devices that will allow users to experience the true magic of the metaverse are discussed in the human interface layer. Technology is gradually bringing us closer to our gadgets. The reality of shrinking distances between humans and gadgets was highlighted in a 1985 essay titled “A Cyborg Manifesto” by renowned scholar of technology and science studies, Donna Haraway. The concept of a “cyborg” was introduced by the author, which is a human with physical abilities beyond human limitations enabled by mechanical elements built into their body. What she envisioned in 1985 is becoming a reality in the present. As gadgets become smaller, smarter, and more portable, they become closer to our bodies, possibly transforming us into partial cyborgs.

Are we on the verge of becoming full-fledged cyborgs? Although we do not yet have an answer, our smartwatches and smart glasses give us reason to believe we do. Despite this growing proximity between humans and machines, an immersive, lifelike metaverse experience is required. We will soon be able to experience the metaverse in the same way that we experience the physical world, thanks to advanced spatial computing and the right interface.

An Infrastructure That Creates the Larger Virtual Network and Interfaces

The seventh layer contains the technology that makes everything mentioned above a reality. Finally, for all outer layers to exist, we require technological infrastructure that includes 5G and 6G computing. These will significantly increase bandwidth while decreasing network contention and latency. Furthermore, for the devices mentioned in the human interference layer to function properly, we require tiny but powerful hardware. These include semiconductors approaching 3nm processes and beyond, Micro Electromechanical Systems (MEMS) that enable tiny sensors, and compact, long-lasting batteries, according to Radoff.

While this seven-layered explanation is excellent for a general understanding, it appears that there is still much to learn about the metaverse. Naturally, we must first develop the technology that will comprise the infrastructure. Then it’ll be a game of determining what works and what doesn’t. Still, one thing is certain: this new technological frontier will fundamentally alter how we live and think.



With tech titans such as Google, Apple, Facebook, and Microsoft openly expressing their obsession with the metaverse and investing large sums of money to make it a reality, the metaverse has become a major talking point among interested investors, technology enthusiasts, and ordinary people alike. Everyone wants to know what the metaverse is, where it is, and what it can do. However, understanding the metaverse is difficult because it does not yet exist in its full, complete form. Understanding the metaverse’s seven layers is a great way to get to know it. Each layer represents a critical aspect of the metaverse and cannot function independently of the other six layers.

Another advantage of breaking down the metaverse into layers is that you can see how the layers interact with and complement one another to form the vast network of 3D environments that is the metaverse.

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