
3 Unstoppable Growth Stocks to Rev Up Your Portfolio

Investing in growth stocks is a strategy to boost portfolio returns, and three unstoppable growth stocks to consider include Square, Amazon, and NVIDIA. These companies have demonstrated impressive financial performance, are leaders in their industries, and have promising growth potential for the future.

Investing in growth stocks can be a great way to supercharge your portfolio and achieve impressive returns over the long term. Growth stocks are companies that are expected to increase in value at a faster rate than the overall market, driven by factors such as innovation, market disruption, and increasing demand for their products or services.

As the world becomes increasingly digital, more and more investors are looking to technology companies for growth opportunities. But with so many options out there, it can be hard to know which stocks are truly “unstoppable” and which are just hype.

Growth stocks are those that are expected to grow at a faster rate than the overall market. While there’s no guarantee that any stock will continue to grow, investing in growth stocks can be a good way to potentially earn high returns over the long term.

In this article, we’ll take a deep dive into three stocks that we believe have what it takes to rev up your portfolio

Stock 1: Amazon (AMZN)

Amazon needs no introduction. It’s the world’s largest online retailer and a dominant force in the e-commerce industry. Over the past few years, Amazon has expanded into new markets, such as cloud computing and streaming media, which has led to explosive growth. Amazon’s revenue grew by 38% in 2020, driven by increased online shopping due to the pandemic. Moreover, the company’s earnings per share (EPS) have grown at an impressive rate of 48% over the past five years.

One of the key reasons to invest in Amazon is the company’s massive scale and reach. With over 200 million Prime members worldwide, Amazon has a vast network of loyal customers that it can leverage to drive growth in new markets. Additionally, the company’s cloud computing business, Amazon Web Services (AWS), is a major player in the fast-growing cloud infrastructure market. AWS generated over $45 billion in revenue in 2020, accounting for nearly 13% of Amazon’s total revenue.

While Amazon’s growth prospects look strong, there are some risks to consider. The company faces increasing competition from other e-commerce players and regulatory scrutiny over its market dominance. Nevertheless, with its strong brand, massive scale, and track record of innovation, Amazon remains an attractive growth stock for investors.

Stock 2: NVIDIA (NVDA)

NVIDIA is a leading producer of graphics processing units (GPUs) used in gaming, artificial intelligence, and other high-performance computing applications. The company has been on a tear in recent years, with its revenue growing by 41% in 2020 and its EPS increasing at an annual rate of 44% over the past five years.

The key driver of NVIDIA’s growth is its dominance in the GPU market. The company’s products are used in a wide range of applications, from gaming to data centers to self-driving cars. Moreover, NVIDIA is well-positioned to benefit from the growth of the AI and machine learning markets, which are expected to be worth trillions of dollars in the coming years.

One of the risks to investing in NVIDIA is its reliance on the gaming industry. While gaming is a massive market, it’s also highly cyclical, which could lead to fluctuations in NVIDIA’s revenue and stock price. Additionally, the company faces increasing competition from rivals such as AMD and Intel. Nevertheless, with its strong market position and growth potential, NVIDIA is a top growth stock to consider for your portfolio.

Stock 3: Square (SQ)

Square is a financial technology company that provides payment processing, business loans, and other services to small businesses. The company has been growing rapidly in recent years, with its revenue increasing by 140% in 2020 and its EPS growing at an annual rate of 61% over the past five years.

One of the key reasons to invest in Square is its focus on the small business market. With over 2 million active sellers using its services, Square has a large and growing customer base that it can leverage to drive growth. Additionally, the company’s Cash App, which allows users to send and receive money, has been a major driver of growth. In 2020, Cash App generated $1.2 billion in revenue, up from just $135 million in 2018.

As with any investment, there are potential risks and drawbacks to investing in Square. The company operates in a highly competitive and rapidly evolving industry, and faces the risk of regulatory scrutiny and potential disruption from new entrants. Additionally, Square’s valuation may be considered relatively high by some investors.

Despite these risks, we believe that Square is a good investment option for those looking to add growth stocks to their portfolio. The company has a proven track record of growth and innovation, and is well-positioned to benefit from long-term trends in the fintech industry. For investors with a long-term investment horizon and a tolerance for risk, Square is a compelling growth stock to consider.

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